About Us:

Here at the Trinket Trailer we believe accessories, toppers, and do-dads are essential to a stylish ensemble, even if you're one of those minimalist types. Clothes are awesome, but a truely stylish outfit can't survive with what many just call extras. Don't let our humble name fool you, us Trailer folk are surprisingly quick at catchin' on to new fangled things. From smoking shoes to bolero necklaces we will unload the goods. We promise you, our dear readers, to unhitch The Radness a-la Mode every week to catch y'all up on whats happening.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Strapped In

If you're as obsessed as we are with boots, then you probably already know which style is passing the trustworthy combat boot on the freeway to TrendTown. Welcome the newest gritty rock god of footwear: the multi-buckled boot. It's a supercharged statement that makes an outfit go from 0 to badass in 3 seconds. 

Mix textures for an
extra industrial appeal
These rebellious black beauties are selling out at trendy online retailers such as Nasty Gal and Pixie Market, and with good reason. They are insanely easy to wear (so you can peel your winter leggings off now) and they can be found at various price points. Both the moto and western styles have an enthusiastic thumbs up from the Trinket Trailer team, but the cut out boot/shoe thing is growing on me faster than mold in a flooded lumberyard. 

Stacking is not just for your wrist
Although I usually subscribe to the "more straps the better" philosophy on fashion in general, I am openly in love with the Croc Wrap Pointy Boots. But of course I can't end this week's post without mentioning Mr. Campbell; he knocks another one out of the park with the Tripoli Cutout Boot. From the side you're all "Aw three buckles, how cute, but sassy," and then they face you with a glare because they caught you staring and are like "What are YOU lookin' at, punk!?" 
Bigger buckles on a taller shaft
can ride out most trend cycles.
Hold on to these if you already got 'em!

Basically, it's time to retire your Sam Edelman Zoe's if you're fixin' to keep your shoe closet edgy. The Trailer suggests you hit the dusty road in cutoffs, a muscle tee, and an obnoxious skull ring.

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